Vocabulario de Navidad en inglés que debes conocer

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Compartimos contigo una lista de vocabulario en inglés con algunas palabras y expresiones que debes conocer en estas especiales fechas del año. Por supuesto, hay muchas más, pero hemos seleccionado las que no pueden faltar en tu lista de vocabulario, empezando por las básicas y terminando con algunas muy interesantes, ¡allá vamos!

  • Christmas Eve: the evening or day before Christmas Day (24 December).
  • New Year’s Eve: 31 December.
  • Xmas: abbreviation or informal term for Christmas.
  • Christmas carol: a religious song or popular hymn that people sing at Christmas.
  • Christmas tree: an evergreen tree (often a spruce) that people decorate with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
  • Cracker: a decorated paper tube that makes a sharp noise («crack!”) and releases a small toy when two people pull it apart
  • Ornament: an object that adds beauty to something; a decoration.
  • Present: a thing given to somebody as a gift.
  • Gingerbread: biscuit flavored with ginger, in the shape of a man.
  • Tinsel: a decoration consisting of thin strips of shiny metal foil, traditionally used at Christmas.
  • Mistletoe: a parasitic plant with white berries, traditionally used as a Christmas decoration.
  • Myrrh: a gum used for perfume or incense, one of the gifts that the three wise men gave to Jesus.
  • Turkey: a bird like a large chicken, traditionally eaten at Christmas.
  • Father Christmas: traditionally an old man with a red suit and white beard who brings presents for children on the night before Christmas Day (also known as Santa Claus).
  • Reindeer: a deer with large antlers found in some cold climates (believed to pull the sleigh for Santa Claus or Father Christmas).
  • Sleigh: a sledge or light cart on runners pulled by horses or reindeer over snow and ice.
  • Chimney: a vertical pipe in a house that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace (Father Christmas traditionally enters a house through its chimney).
  • Angel: a spiritual being acting as a messenger of God (usually shown as a human being with wings).
  • Jesus: the name of Christ, the central figure of Christianity (believed by Christians to be the Son of God).
  • Mary: the mother of Jesus.
  • Joseph: the husband of Mary (the mother of Jesus).
  • Magi: the wise men from the East who brought gifts for the baby Jesus.
  • Shepherd: a person who looks after sheep.
  • The star of Bethlehem: the star that announced the birth of Jesus and guided the wise men to find Him.
  • The Nativity: the birth of Jesus Christ.


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